The Limits of Being Right

The Limits of Being Right

What is the point of being right? Do we think it makes us the ‘better’ person, justifies our actions, or gives us the right to take over or make someone wrong…

Becoming Sovereign

Becoming Sovereign

Why has it been so difficult to feel fully sovereign in our lives? I don’t mean sovereign politically, I mean individually, as a fully empowered human being, at choice in each moment and responding from that sovereign place inside

The Ego Is the Judge

The Ego Is the Judge

Humans are judgment machines. We do it unconsciously all day every day in the background of our mind‘…’

Who Do I Listen to In Here?

Who Do I Listen to In Here?

Which of your inner voices do you believe and follow? The voice of doom and gloom? The one that says everything will work out fine? The one that alerts you to be careful? We each have a variety of voices inside our minds that take different positions and tell us different stories...

Our Best Inner-Guidance System

Our Best Inner-Guidance System

What voices do you listen to inside of yourself? Do you find there are many different ones, or one main one that dominates your thinking? Do you find yourself listening to that voice(s) even when you would like things to be quiet inside?

Limiting Beliefs are Not the Truth

Limiting Beliefs are Not the Truth

Why do we defend our beliefs so strongly even when they don’t serve us? If we look through history, we can see that many, many people defended their viewpoint – even to the death. Why do we do this?

Beliefs that Limit Our Optimism

Beliefs that Limit Our Optimism

Why are some people able to see the cup ½ full instead of ½ empty? What allows them to be optimistic about the future even when there is little evidence of success in the moment? Read more to see how you measure up...

Why Raise your Vibration?

Why Raise your Vibration?

What is the point of focusing on raising your energetic vibration? What does that even mean? Think of your vibration as the emotional quality that you are experiencing in each moment. When you feel the emotion of powerlessness, your vibration is much lower than when you feel the emotion of joy…

Becoming Sovereign

Becoming Sovereign

Why has it been so difficult to feel fully sovereign in our lives? I don’t mean sovereign politically, I mean individually, as a fully empowered human being, at choice in each moment and responding from that sovereign place inside

What's with the Chaos Around Us?

What's with the Chaos Around Us?

Why does it feel like the world around us is getting worse? Politically, economically, environmentally, socially, so much is shifting and changing. What if the crumbling of these systems simply reflects the old breaking down while the new is emerging…

We Can’t Go Back

We Can’t Go Back

What is it that has us not want to go back to our old experience of ‘the office’? Executives and other professionals around the world are unwilling to go back to their pre-2020 work experience as a result of the pandemic‘…’

Slowing Down Our Lives

Slowing Down Our Lives

Did it really have to take a pandemic to allow us to all slow down a bit? With long lines at grocery stores and warnings not to come together in groups, our expectations for speed and efficiency have dropped to an all-time low ‘…’