At some point in our evolution, we became disconnected from our natural and easy collaboration with the universe. Many of us learned when we are fully aligned with what we want and don’t want, the universe delivers. While that sounds great, very few of us are actually getting what we asked for and we don’t understand why. We pray, we make vision boards, we make lists, we help others, we take care of our children, yet we are still not getting what we want and need. Are we not working hard enough? Fast enough? Are we not smart enough or nimble enough? What is the underlying issue?

Much of it has to do with our worldview. We have been taught that our physical world is already here, it is finite and there isn’t enough of what we want or need already in existence, so we must compete for what is available. This perspective has us feel we have little control over having enough or being enough to get what we want and need. To compensate for this perspective, the ego focuses on how and when things should happen in the future to give us the illusion that we have some control. If we make plans and take specific actions, we will get enough or be enough to get our needs and wants met. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth.

The reality is that our job as co-creative human beings is to get clear about the ‘what and the why’ of our desire. Then, trust the Universe to deliver the ‘how and the when’. Most of us spend very little time defining, clarifying, feeling into and energizing the experience we want to create. Instead, we spend TONS of time and energy on figuring out how and when we can ‘make things happen’. We have it backwards and it’s time to turn things around.

Our job is to first get clear about the what and the why of our desire. Here is an example from my relationship: WHAT: I want to have a relaxing and energizing valentine’s day with my husband that celebrates new traditions. WHY: He is no longer able to write or drive. Now, we get to celebrate our love in new ways that feel good to us both. Here is an example from the work I do: WHAT: I want to support awakening individuals to make successful transitions in their life so they can become fully sovereign and authentically expressed. WHY: I believe that our personal sovereignty will translate into planet-wide sovereignty and create the ‘heaven on earth’ that I dream of.  

If you can imagine what you want as if it’s already happened, and you can feel the ‘feels’ that go with that imagined experience, you have done your job. The what (what you desire), and the why (how good it feels to have it!) have been generated by you. Then, your job is to let it go out into the Universe and let it show you the best next step to take. Imagine what you want as a balloon floating up toward your higher-self where it can be worked on for you in the most amazing and delightful ways. It’s the Universe’s job to deliver the how and the when of what you desire. Keep your mind and heart focused on the good feelings of your desire (the what and the why) and keep your eyes open for the next step that the Universe sends for you to follow. This could come in the form of a song, a message from a friend, a dream, or a set of synchronistic events that captures your attention. Trust your gut and your heart and let your mind relax. When we follow each step that lights up before us on our path, our desires come to us in the most surprising and joyful ways. As you test this out in your own life, you build new ‘inner muscles’ while relaxing the limiting belief of ‘hard work’ as the only way to create what we desire.

How can you let the Universe provide for you today?