Hidden Beliefs Reduce Choices
Our beliefs create our reality—literally!
If we don't know which beliefs are true for us, we create our lives unconsciously not understanding why we experience life's ups and downs.
When a negative feeling moves through you, take a moment and ask yourself why you feel that way. What meaning are you giving the situation to generate this negative feeling? What are you telling yourself about you and about others?
Some common hidden limiting beliefs include:
· I'm not enough.
· I'm not important.
· I’m a screw-up.
· My needs don’t matter.
· There isn’t enough.
· I'm unlovable.
Although none of these beliefs are true, when they are carried into adulthood they continue to color the events in our lives the same way they did in childhood. This happens as an automatic self-defense mechanism to avoid feeling our stored pain. These hidden beliefs attract situations to us that match up to our belief. Many of us stay distracted, stay busy, or disengage completely as ways to avoid feeling that pain.
For instance, if my hidden limiting belief is that I’m a screw-up, when something unexpected occurs, I could think it’s my fault or it may keep me from offering to help during the unexpected situation even though I have what is needed. When the meaning we have attached to a circumstance is hidden from us by our lack of awareness, we end up on ‘automatic’ and are unable to choose something that feels better to us when making decisions in our life. We see all circumstances through this lens and it limits the choices we see before us.
What if this is the truth about all each of us, regardless of what we have been told or learned in the past?
· I am always enough exactly as I am.
· I am as important as anyone else.
· I do things in a way that works for me.
· My needs are just as important as anyone else’s needs.
· The universe provides everything I need and want.
· I am love.
Instead of thinking “I’m a screw up” when something unexpected occurs, I can think it’s a chance for me to learn something new, make a new connection, slow down, or let go. If I have negative feelings that get triggered, I take time for myself to sit with, recognize, and express those feelings in healthy ways. Once the emotional energy has released, my mind becomes clear and it becomes obvious what action I can take on my own behalf. No longer responding to a hidden belief about myself that isn’t true or the old emotions tied to it, is how I show myself the love that I am.
Ready to uncover what has been hidden inside?